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Now it’s time again to launch another fun darts practice routine on
This one is called ‘Levels’ and it’s a mix from an old training routine and ideas from discussions with members.
The idea is to challenge yourself with different targets. As the levels increase the challenge gets harder.
You have three lives but once they’re gone it’s game over.
The levels are fixed but some of the numbers are randomized within their category to make it more fun to use many times.
How many levels can you reach? Try to beat your previous level and practice hard!
More than More than 100 proper training games for you to make your darts practice fun, inspiring, interesting and addictive so you don’t even notice that you are improving!
Go to our Rookie-page to read more about how to get started and check out our Starter Pack–concept.
Get your Premium Membership to unlock the MICO-factor games now. Our MasterClass is the worlds’ first level-hopping game IRL darts, so that might be an inspiring challenge for you.