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The Finishing Range game

There’s a good reason why there are so many training games about finishing – If you can’t finish a leg it doesn’t matter how good scorer you are. You need to have the confidence when it comes to finishing and you’ll get the confidence by regularly play good finishing games. Then you’ll get the ”I can do this – I’ve done it thousands of times before” feeling when you’ve got one dart left to win the game! Play Finishing Range and make it count!

Over the years I’ve got many requests for different variations of finishing games.
Some players want to practise outs between 61-81 using 3 darts and some want to use 9 darts and work from 170-300. There are already of great finishing games on GoDartsPro such as:
Shooting Gallery, Checkout Randomizer, Catch 40, Checkout Challenge, Ton +, 121, Five Checkouts etc.

But requests are still coming so I thought I’d create a game (or tool if you like) to customize your own finishing routine and came up with the Finishing Range.

Finishing Range Game
How to use Finishing Range
Finishing Range Settings
At start you got many options to customize the training session for your level and needs. But you can also just click start to go with the standard options.
If you want to customize it, select the range of outs to practise, how many darts you’re allowed to use for each out, the rules for when you finish an out as well as the rules for when you miss an out.
Some players likes to stay on the out until they finish it and some want to add more pressure and add a punishment for missing an out. It is completely up to you.

You can also select the maximum duration for the game. Tryout the different options and find out what is best suitable for you.
You can also add it to your favourite Playlist with the options predefined as you want.

The game got support for Scolia devices for autotracking the darts (as all new games on GoDartsPro) which will make it the perfect training session. No distractions, no buttons to press, just focus and throw the darts!

When you’ve finished a session, the settings will be stored as default for your next session.

Play Finishing Range now »

Do you like the game? Let everyone know about it!
Don’t like the game? Let me know and I will see what can be done to improve the game further.

Enjoy your darts and make it count!

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