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Even Flow

for Even Flow
Rank Member Date Score
1 2024-03-28 468
2 2024-03-24 420
3 2024-08-07 381
4 2024-11-13 256
5 2024-06-09 234
6 2024-03-26 233
7 2024-06-29 230
8 - - -
9 - - -
10 - - -
Rules for Even Flow Challenge

Even Flow is a great game and is all about grouping the darts. You've got 10 throws to score as much as possible. You twist is that you only score if you hit 2 or 3 in the same field.
For example you hit S20 + s5 + S20 = S20 x 2 = 40 points.

Once you've scored in a field, the field is locked, and you can't score in that field any more.

Game on!

GoDartsPro reserves the right to remove/hide scores that are most likely entered to cheat and the member will be contacted.