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201 Challenge

for 201 Challenge
Rank Member Date Score
1 2024-07-08 288
2 2024-07-17 287
3 2024-07-04 277
4 2024-07-16 258
5 2024-07-29 250
6 2024-07-13 230
7 2024-07-20 228
8 2024-07-14 227
9 2024-07-07 207
10 2024-07-10 200
11 2024-07-07 200
Rules for 201 Challenge

You have 12 darts to finish the current score, starting with 201. If you manage to finish the score in 12 darts (on a double in 501-style), your next starting score will increased by 10 = 211. If you fail to finish the score in 12 darts, you lose one life and the next starting score will be reduced by one. In this challenge you've got 5 lives.
The highest target score you've finished when the game is ended will be your result.

Game on!

GoDartsPro reserves the right to remove/hide scores that are most likely entered to cheat and the member will be contacted.