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Checkout Challenge - darts training game

There’s a new challenging game that will improve your ability to checkout!
We call it the Checkout Challenge!

Practice finishing a checkout within 3 darts is one of the most important keys for winning games, and increasing your 501-average. Still, many players spend more hours throwing only at treble 20 believing it will make them win more games.
That’s why Checkout Challenge is added to GoDartsPro’s vast amount of games to choose from!
The game is a mix of Mikko Laiho’s old game “Check-out-climb” that is part of the MasterClass on GoDartsPro, with several different requests from members. There are many variants of the game out there used by many darts players around the world, but this is a variant that we really enjoyed when evaluating the routine at the board before and code was added.

Checkout Challenge is a great practice routine that will be usable for a wide variety of player levels that will inspire and challenge you to improve.

The rules of Checkout Challenge

With the default settings you start at checkout 21 and you will be playing for 20 minutes. If you manage to finish the current checkout, the next checkout will be increased by 10. But if you fail to checkout, your next checkout will be reduced by 1.
So for example, if you’re at 21 and hit single 5 and finish with double 8, your next checkout will be 31.
If you can’t manage to finish 31 with 3 darts, your next checkout will be 30.
Your highest finish after 20 minutes will be your score for the round.

If you can’t finish with one or two darts these buttons will be greyed out and disabled.
Variations of the game

You can choose to play for 20, 30 or 45 minutes but also to play using 5 or 10 lives. That is, as soon as you miss a checkout you lose one life. The game is then ended when all lives are gone. You can also choose to start at the checkout 21, 61 or 91. 21 is the lowest checkout in the game so if you fail to checkout 21 your next checkout will still be 21.

After the game your finished checkouts will be shown as well as how many throws and darts used for the game.


The Checkout Challenge game is a great darts training game that when used on a regular basis will improve your ability to finish and thus, your ability to win games.
This game is also very useful to play before a real match or a big tournament as part of your warming-up routine.
Play the game with 5 or 10 lives and mix it with a few rounds of Dead Centre and PowerSwitch and you’ll be ready for show!

The game comes straight away with support for the Scolia device to autotrack your hits which makes the game even smoother, more focused and more fun to play.

Play Checkout Challenge now »

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