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First year with the Virtual Coach

Happy birthday Virtual Coach!

On the 30th of November 2020, the Virtual Coach was launched for the premium members on GoDartsPro! It’s hard to get that one year already has passed. But what a busy year it has been for the Virtual Coach!!!

More than 55.000 Virtual Coach sessions have been completed by the members during the first year.
Palle “P.Viking” Muus
with 573 completed Virtual Coach sessions during the year!
Palle wins the sought-after golden skull darts holder!
Congratulations! Check your email…

Many games have been added during the year with Virtual Coach and by now 50 games (and counting) have got support for the amazing Scolia device to auto-track the darts for you!

Many games have also got new features and updates, either by requests from you – the members – or planned and added from my or Mikko’s long list of ideas.

The story of the Virtual Coach

Mikko Laiho had invented and provided the “12 weeks program” through Red Dragons Darts shop and coached many players this way, but wanted a more automated way to analyze the player’s stats to suggest different games that would challenge them to improve.

We had many discussions and meetings in the 2nd half of 2018, planning for the logic and functionality of the Virtual Coach, to finally start the coding and implementing work in early 2019. Unfortunately, the project was halted when Mikko tragically and suddenly passed away a few months later.

The Virtual Coach was therefore very important for me to finish, and to continue the work we started together. So the launch was very emotional for me and the feedback and response from members using the Virtual Coach for their training have therefore been extra important and appreciated.

Thank you all for your messages, requests, and feedback!

I’d like to get more suggestions, and feedback from all you members who use the Virtual Coach for your training. Together we can improve it even more! So send me emails or contact me on GoDartsPro’s social media pages.

I’ve still got a long list with more games, features, and ideas that I will integrate with the platform and will continue to work hard to improve the logic and features even more.

Take care and enjoy your darts with the Virtual Coach!

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+100 darts practice games

More than More than 100 proper training games for you to make your darts practice fun, inspiring, interesting and addictive so you don’t even notice that you are improving!

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