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Mikko's Megatrain

Use your darts setup

Mikko Laihos idea about this game was to create a demanding and hard game for the intermediate to advanced players. To make it more available we've added a Beginner-mode that only needs at least 1 hit per target to continue.

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You need two hits during one throw for the following chart/numbers.
Burn-Dart rule applies, so if you hit the target only once and with your LAST dart, but also your next throws FIRST dart you are considered to be done with this target.
1 - Treble 20 x 2
2 - Double 20 x 2
3 - Treble 20 x 2
4 - Double 18 x 2
5 - Treble 20 x 2
6 - Treble 19 x 2
7 - Treble 20 x 2
8 - Double 16 x 2
9 - Treble 20 x 2
10 - Treble 18 x 2
11 - Treble 20 x 2
12 - Double 12 x 2
13 - Treble 20 x 2
14 - Double 10 x 2
15 - Treble 20 x 2
16 - Treble 17 x 2
17 - Treble 20 x 2
18 - Double 8 x 2
19 - Treble 20 x 2
20 - Bullseye x 2

Burn-Dart Rule

Hit target on last dart
and first in next throw
counts as a hit
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Target 1 out of 20
Throw 3 darts at T20
Hit with 2 or 3 darts for next target
1st dart
2nd dart
3rd dart

Throw 3 darts at the current target.
Press the buttons for the darts you hit and press "Register hits" buttons to track your darts.
You need to hit the target with at least 2 darts to continue to next target.
Beginner mode only needs 1 hit for next target.

Burn-Dart rule

When you hit the target with your 3rd dart and then with the 1st dart on your next throw you're good to go for the next target.