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Two Thirds darts game title
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Rules for Two Thirds

This game was invented by Marko Kantele and requested by a few members.
Read this article about the game!

The game alternates a scoring phase and a targets hitting phase. You start with the scoring phase and you need to score at least 131 for Expert mode and 95 for Intermediate mode, to continue to the Targets phase. During the Targets phase you will be presented different doubles, and you need to hit the doubles with two out of three darts to continue in the game.

Simplified registration

If you don't have a Scolia connected to track the darts for you and you don't want to enter every dart in the game, you can select the Simplified registration mode. This mode will of course not be able to provide you with any detailed statistics but you can play the game in a smoother way.

Use Burn-Dart-Rule

To make every dart count in the game, we've added the 'Burn-Dart-Rule' known from other games on GoDartsPro. With this mode, if you can not finish the target with your last dart it is still important to try to score good or hit the double. If you manage to finish the current score (or double) with your last dart + your following 1 or 2 darts, it counts as finished.

For example, you hit S5 + S1 with your first two darts and can not reach the limit with next dart. With burn-dart-rule, the last dart is still important. Let's say you hit T20 with your last dart, you now have the score 60 saved for next throw to be used with your first 2 darts.