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"The more you practice the luckier you get"
- Ingemar Stenmark

How often should I practice darts?

Track and Field athletics have divided their training weeks in four depending on the toughness level. They do in their most demanding weeks 7-9 practise sessions. If they are having a less demanding training week, they do 5-7 sessions. During the more demanding weeks they have only one day of rest, and less demanding they have two days off.
During intermediate weeks they vary things between those specks. The fourth example is holiday-training. Then they do at max 4 sessions per week, and they are basically just very mild at their demanding levels.
Darting terms there’s no such thing than winter training or basic fitness training because competitions are spread all over the year.
We can always amend the athletics ways and split our practice to have either the main event or the top form in mind. Depending on how much you’ve already played and what form you’re in, you should set a clear goal and start practising towards that 6 – 18 months before.

But now there need to be two things:
a) enthusiasm, but it should be regulated by

b) reason.

So set a reasonable goal. For beginners that would be beating your best mate in darts, intermediates that could try to win a match in the local league, the advanced player should try to reach for a local competition win or making it to A-team, the experienced player could have Q-School or national tourney success at mind and finally, the TV-pro’s should set targets to Euro tour or an international Open in reach. For all this, you need to know in which level you are. We’re trying to help you with the things like MICO-factor with that.

A little bit of an organized mindset is next required. Try to set a diary or order ours which includes roughly at least weekly sessions, add more and more competitions towards the end and never forget to rest and sensitize the hand, body and the mind before the main target.
Begin with 8-10 sessions with 100% focus per week, reduce the amount and even the focus (you’ve already done the hard work!) before the moment approaches.

So please, do forget ancient and dated has-beens lies about darts players needing to practice every day after day 8-10 hours of practice to be brilliant, they just tried to scaremonger the youngsters coming to the game and steal their money! Vary your training with the games on GoDartsPro to play better darts!

Always, every time you step on the oche – ENJOY YOUR DARTS!

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