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Learning the darts maths can be really hard and daunting in the beginning and it is easy to rely on app/website darts scorers to understand what checkout is left and needed to finish the leg.
On forums and Facebook groups the answer to ”How do I learn darts maths” from more experienced players is often ”Start chalking” or ”Just play more 501’s”. These answers will improve your maths skills eventually but there are smarter ways to learn and remember the important checkouts. It is just as learning any skills, the best way is to both do practical and theoretical training to learn the skill as fast as possible.
Researchers have discovered that educational applications of games might be even more powerful than we ever anticipated. The use of games is really useful when it comes to learning and transferring factual knowledge. It’s obvious that when learning becomes fun and easy, people are quicker to engage and benefit.
That’s why learning how to calculate in combination with remembering the different checkout combinations is the fastest way to learn darts maths.
With these games, you can practice darts on the bus, train, or on a flight without the need for a board and darts. Being regularly visually exposed to checkouts and training your brain to either calculate the checkouts or just remember the combinations, will speed up your darts maths skills. Learning while playing games are also a proven successful combination.
The key to any practice is repetition!
Darts Mathlete is all about repetition. You choose the checkout to start with and you then will be shown alternatives to solve the checkout. If you select the correct combination to continue to the next checkout. If you fail you have to start all over again. Repeat and become the Darts Mathlete your game deserves!
Read more about Darts Mathlete here
Play online here or install the app below:
In this maths game you will be presented 10 scores between 41 and 170 along with 9 different finishes. One of them is right and eight is wrong.
Your score and response time will be tracked.
The great initiative by PDC ‘Bullseye Maths’ has been launched to help Key Stage 2 students and anyone interested in maths with numeracy in a fun and inclusive way using the Mathlete game below and downloadable worksheets. GoDartsPro has been involved and provided initially the Mathlete for the project. Visit the Bullseye Maths website and follow Room 180 Academy on Twitter.
More than More than 100 proper training games for you to make your darts practice fun, inspiring, interesting and addictive so you don’t even notice that you are improving!
Go to our Rookie-page to read more about how to get started and check out our Starter Pack–concept.
Get your Premium Membership to unlock the MICO-factor games now. Our MasterClass is the worlds’ first level-hopping game IRL darts, so that might be an inspiring challenge for you.