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The Premium League of darts on GoDartsPro

The Premium League was developed to inspire you to practice harder, more focused and under pressure.

The best way to build solid confidence in your game is to dedicate yourself to consistent deliberate practice. Adopt deliberate practice by thinking that every dart is the crucial dart and make it count. Get the most out of your practice you by trying to perform on your peak performance during every training session to push yourself further.

Premium League of darts - GoDartsPro

Improve with GoDartsPro Premium League

While playing your favourite training games you’re also competing in the Premium League. Your 10 best scores the latest 30 days will make up your total score for the leaderboards. These scores are your peak performance of the game for the month.
Therefore, you need to continuously try to beat your previous scores to climb the leaderboard. In addition as a bonus, you will improve while having fun.

Premium League is universal

Members from all over the world are competing in the Premium League which means you have thousands of opponents to try to beat. As a result, seeing your name and flag on the leaderboard will boost your confidence. However, we all know what confidence will do for your game…
Make it a personal challenge to get your name and flag on all Premium League leaderboards.

Multiple games to choose from

Some of the most effective games have been added to make Premium League your new tool to improve faster.
8 of the games so far are also MICO-Factor games, so as a bonus you might also raise your MICO-factor while trying to climb the Premium League leaderboards.

Continuously running league to keep you on your toes

The Premium League leaderboards are made up of your top 10 scores last 30 days to force you to consistently practice the games to keep your ranking.
Knowing that some of your best scores soon will drop out from the 30 days limit adds pressure to the game and will again force you to try to perform on your peak performance.

Who can join the Premium League?

All you need to do to join the Premium League is to upgrade to Premium on GoDartsPro.
It is yours for less than €0.20/day and gives you access to more than 100 games, training concepts like MasterClass, Challenges and now Premium League.

Practice like a pro and join Premium League now!

The Premium League is the latest training concept on!
With the premium membership, you will not only get access to the Premium League,the +100 games, the famous Virtual Coach on the website. You will also get all the extra premium functionality, such as in-game stats, extended stats, challenges, battles as well as the additional options in many of the games.
In conclusion, your passion for darts deserves the best. Get the most out of your practice by staying inspired for a long time. Upgrade to Premium now!

Upgrade to Premium now!

Check out the Premium League Leaderboards!

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+100 darts practice games

More than More than 100 proper training games for you to make your darts practice fun, inspiring, interesting and addictive so you don’t even notice that you are improving!

Are you a Rookie
in the world of darts?

Go to our Rookie-page to read more about how to get started and check out our Starter Pack–concept.

Played darts for a while?

Get your Premium Membership to unlock the MICO-factor games now. Our MasterClass is the worlds’ first level-hopping game IRL darts, so that might be an inspiring challenge for you.


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