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Monthly Challenges 2.0!

Darts training with monthly challenges

Many members use the monthly challenges as an inspiration to practise more. When they get a score that reach the leaderboard, they go for another game session to try to beat the player above in the list. This is a great way to practise focused with a clear goal. Now we launch the Monthly Challenges 2.0 with a few new features to make it even more inspiring to use regularly!

Challenge Ranking Points (CRP)!

With the Monthly Challenges 2.0 we introduce a new points system we call Challenge Ranking Points (CRP). When a monthly challenge ends we go through the leaderboard and rewards the participants with CRP’s accordingly:

Rank CRP
1st 1000
2nd 600
3-4 400
5-8 250
9-16 100
17-32 50
33-64 25
65- 10

This is done for all the different monthly challenges available. The CRP’s are also connected to each type of challenge so the members can follow up and see how they’ve performed in different challenges.

GoDartsPro Monthly Darts Challenges Leaderboard
The different monthly challenges

GoDartsPro Games Monthly Challenges

To participate and play a challenge, just click any of the game images in the list. If you’re using a phone or a tablet, the list is scrollable left-right to get all the challenges available.
Click the “Leaderboard”-button beneath the game image to see the leaderboards for that game and challenge. If you’ve friends connected on GoDartsPro you can also click the Friends-tab-button to see how you and your friends are doing in the challenges.

On the startpage of the challenges you will also see leaderboards of the most dedicated members month by month. The leaderboard is basen on how many darts tracked the members has for each month. There’s also a leaderboard for the members who finish most tasks by the Virtual Coach as well.

Collect CRP’s and you can win cool prizes!

The CRP’s will be used in monthly competitions/challenges where the active challenge members have chances to win prizes from GoDartsPro and GoDartsPro’s partners. To avoid promoting any cheating, there will not be prizes connected to just the members with most CRP’s. The winners will always be picked randomly, either from the total list or from a range of CRP’s. More of these competitions will be published soon, so make sure to work hard in all challenges to collect your CRP’s.

Use the monthly challenges to stay motivated! Enjoy your darts and make it count!

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+100 darts practice games

More than More than 100 proper training games for you to make your darts practice fun, inspiring, interesting and addictive so you don’t even notice that you are improving!

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Get your Premium Membership to unlock the MICO-factor games now. Our MasterClass is the worlds’ first level-hopping game IRL darts, so that might be an inspiring challenge for you.


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