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October can often be a bit dull, rainy and cold (at least here in Sweden). So It is time to spice it a bit with the October Jackpot Challenge!
Just play the game Jackpot in October and you have a chance to win the new cool metal-skull-pin! We will randomly pick 5 premium members who all played the Jackpot game in October, and send the pin with some extra goodies in the beginning of November.
The metal-skull-pin is not available to purchase so get in there and play Jackpot today!
In the game Jackpot you have 5 throws (15 darts) to try to score as much as possible to build up a large jackpot. After the 5 throws you have 1 throw (3 darts) for BULL (or optional target double).
If you hit Bullseye (red or selected double) your jackpot score is doubled.
If you hit the outer bullseye (green or selected target single) you keep your jackpot but if you miss your jackpot score is cut in half.
More than More than 100 proper training games for you to make your darts practice fun, inspiring, interesting and addictive so you don’t even notice that you are improving!
Go to our Rookie-page to read more about how to get started and check out our Starter Pack–concept.
Get your Premium Membership to unlock the MICO-factor games now. Our MasterClass is the worlds’ first level-hopping game IRL darts, so that might be an inspiring challenge for you.