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Practise darts only fully focused

Numerous studies tell that any kind of accuracy practice should be done with 100% concentration, and darts isn’t an exception. So how would be the best way to keep your focus?

Timing is everything in darts, but also in practice. An average match lasts approximately 25-35 minutes, and if you transfer that to solo-training that would be somewhere of region of 20 minutes.

So practise fully focused for about 20 mins. After that have a break of 5-10 minutes and you’re good to go again. After two short sessions you are best to have a proper break, say 30-45 minutes before throwing again.
Then you get the rest your body and mainly mind requires.

I’d say there’s absolutely no need to go ever over three hours per day in solo practice – but if you’ve just begun to play or you’re very young you might exceed even that time to time.

The older you get the more attention you should be giving to your 100% fully focused training.


Your body and your mind needs rest

After 3-4 days of intense practice, you also need to stay away from darts completely for a whole day.
The day away from darts can do magic for your inspiration and hunger to practice fully focused again.
That can be really tough since we’re all passionate about darts and eager to improve.


Use the games on GoDartsPro to keep your focus!

Enjoy your darts!

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