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GoDartsPro Support

FAQ & Training Articles

Profile page

To upload a photo to your profile page, first click the top right round grey button in the menu to fold out the drop-down-menu. Then select the “My Profile Page”.

GoDartsPro header menu

Then when you are on your profile page, click the MENU button below the temporary profile photo to fold out the drop-down-menu for your profile, and select the “Change photo” menu option.

GoDartsPro profile
GoDartsPro profile photo upload
You will then see a popup box with a button titled “Upload…”.
Click the button and select your photo to upload. We recommend a square photo of at least 500×500 pixles (jpeg or png format), with the maximum size of 1.9 MB, but other dimension works as well.

When the photo is shown in the box, you will be able to crop and adjust the photo for your profile. When you’re happy with how the photo looks like Done to save it to your profile.

The page will reload and you will see your new profile photo on your profile page as well as in the header of GoDartsPro.

Now you’re good to go and remember to share your profile on Social Media so other darts players can find you on GoDartsPro! 🙂

This section will be updated regularly with support content and training articles.


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Questions, feedback or requests
If you have any questions, feeback or suggestions for improvements, either visit the GoDartsPro Facebook page, or the GoDartsPro's page on X (Twitter), and send your question as DIRECT MESSAGE there to get an answer as soon as possible.
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Remember to include your username or email address used on GoDartsPro!
- Anders
Founder of GoDartsPro