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Practising finishing in darts helps you manage pressure effectively and take advantage of opportunities when they arise. The Polish player and GoDartsPro ambassador Łukasz Wacławski contacted me about this game idea he had to combine parts from different finishing games to create a new fun and challenging game – The Checkout Randomizer!

Łukasz own words
“Keeping concentrated and motivated mindset during each training session, is the key to progress. It should never be about just “going through routines”. A player needs a certain attitude and commitment to MAKE IT COUNT for him! When I plan darts training, I like to think about analogy to video games – what makes people motivated to spend so much time mastering any game? How they are able to sit in front of the monitor for hours and hours, pressing buttons with flushed faces and eyes wide open with astonishment and anticipation?

Łukasz Wacławski and Gerwyn Price at PDC Superbet Poland Darts Masters Warsaw 2023 (photo PAP)

(Hey, I did that too, back in a day!)…and this is what I am looking for in darts training as well – there is no place for „flat” throwing and „doing hours”. Each training should bring at least some part of the excitement that everyone of us had, once we were starting out our darting journey.

GoDartsPro is doing great job for all of us here!

From all skills required from any darter, I treat 2-3 darts finishes as a most crucial one. If I were to pick one and only one skill to train on the board, that would be it.

Some time ago I created GoDartsPro playlist called “Darters Power” which is dedicated to this subject. I put “Five Checkouts” “Checkout Challenge” and “Catch 40” on the list. They are all great games that will make any devoted player deadly on their finishes.

The game Checkout Randomizer

In Checkout Randomizer I tried to include the best parts of other finishing games and add some gamification flavors to it. You will play the game at your own pace – when you are successful, you will be reaching higher tiers with greater rewards (and greater challenges) available, or – when you miss – you are going down the ladder (or even eventually loosing some points if you are not effective enough!). How many points can you reach in given time? Or how long would it take for you today to get 10 or 30 points? Give it a try and MAKE IT COUNT!”

The game rules for Checkout Randomizer

The game starts with a random number from the Tier 1. If you finish it within three darts, you get one point and another random number – this time from Tier 2 etc. Anytime the out is missed you go down one tier. If you miss a checkout at Tier 1 you will also lose one point.
You can select the duration of the game to play until 30 points, 20 minutes etc. Play the game by the easy user interface or by using your Scolia device to autotrack the darts for you.

Save by bull

To make every dart count in this game, if you are not on a double with one dart left, you can try to hit bullseye to “save” the Tier. If you hit bullseye you will continue on the same Tier and checkout for your next throw.

Tier 1 (1 point) 41-60
Tier 2 (2 points) 61-80
Tier 3 (3 points) 81-90
Tier 4 (4 points) 90-100
Tier 5 (5 points) 100-130
Tier 6 (10 points) 130+
Easy mode

After the first sneak-launch I got feedback from several members saying it was a great game but a bit too hard.
So I added an easy mode and if you select this option your points will never be reduced.
So even if you have some points and are back at Tier 1 and miss the checkout, your points remain safe.


I think this is a fantastic game that have many levels of gamification that will make it last and continue to be fun and challenging for many players.

if you like this game, please check out and subscribe to Łukasz Youtube channel Smart Darts Training.

Thanks again Łukasz for a great game suggestion!

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- Anders
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