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Ten darts practice games that will boost your gameplay

This article will show you ten different online darts training games that will improve your skills at the dartboard. Try them all and find your favourite practice routines to use for your daily darts training.

I often hear or see the questions :

‘How to practice darts’ or ‘How do I improve faster’?

First thing you need to acknowledge is there are no short-cuts whatsoever. It’s all about the dedication, the work, the hours put in, quality training, your ability to really focus during practice, the right mindset, the right attitude, the right gear and right environment you create.

10 great darts training games

Here’s a list of ten games that you should use on a regular basis to get better in darts and to improve faster.

Doubles Lock

This game is a variant of the old Doubles Around The Clock/World but with a few important changes. The changes add the so important pressure to the game and it also got a funny twist to make it more game-like and challenging to play. I often use this game right after a proper warm-up when I’m fully focused.
Targets are double 20 to 1 and you need to hit at least one of the target double to continue to the next.
If you miss the double with all three darts you’re back to the starting double.
To lock a double you need to hit at least two darts.
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Many of the games on GoDartsPro are aiming to improve your finishing skills to prepare you for the big matches and tournaments. With this game, you will practice the most important doubles in a game-like style.

You’ll try to hit all the even doubles from 10 to 20 and you need to “finish” from the double as soon as you can. If your target is Doubles 10 but you hit single 10, you need to go for double 5 etc.
But if you hit the double with your first or second dart, you’re free to score as much as you can on the board.
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121 is another popular and important finishing game with a fun twist to make it more inspiring to play. Try to finish the score 121 within 6 darts (9 darts in easy-mode on GoDartsPro) to move to 122 etc. If you manage to finish the score with 3 darts the score is locked and is your new base checkout. If you fail to finish the score you’re back to the start or base checkout if you’ve locked a score.
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Exponential Bundle

This game will put you under important pressure.
The target numbers are 7 to 12 and for each target number, you will also try to score heavily with 3 darts. The number of hits you get on the target number will be multiplied with the score so it is important to both be able to hit the target numbers as well as to score heavily afterwards.
It doesn’t matter if you hit three treble 7:s if you don’t manage to hit a good score afterwards.
For example, if you hit three treble 7:s but only manage to score 26 with the following three darts your score for #7 will be: 9 x 26 = 234. If you instead manage to hit 180 your score will be massive 1620 for the target number.
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This is a great game to sharpen your grouping skills. Your main targets are 20-13 and you need to hit at least two darts to get a mark for the current number. The game is finished when you got five marks on each number. On GoDartsPro your practice session is timed so you can also compete against yourself to finish the game faster then the previous one.
This is a great game to use at the end of your warming up routine and it is suitable for all kind of player levels (beginners to advanced players). Game invented by George Silberzahn and can be found in his book – “Darts – Beginning to end”.
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JDC Challenge

This is a great assessment game and it is invented and used by Junior Darts Corporation (JDC) to grade the players for their Academies.

The game has three parts.
Shanghai 10-15 – Three darts on each number
Doubles 1-20+BULL – One dart on each
Shanghai 15-20 – Three darts on each number

If you hit Shanghai (1 single + 1 double + 1 treble) you get a Bonus of 100 points. On the doubles round, you get 50 points for each double and a bonus of 50 points for BULL.
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Shooting Gallery

The Shooting Gallery is a great MICO-factor game that will sharpen your finishing skills. Use a maximum of 9 darts to finish the scores in a 01-game style, from 121 to 130. If you finish the score within 3 darts you get 12 points compared to 1 point for finishing with 9 darts. Try to improve your total points for each session.
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Three Stooges

This is a fun MICO-factor game that force you to hit singles, doubles and trebles and it will reward you when you hit the targets with two or three darts. Since the targets are a mix of singles, doubles and trebles this is a good overall practice for beginners to more advanced players.
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Crown Judgement

The ultimate assessment game or ”The only game Chuck Norris would play” as good old Mikko Laiho once said about The Crown Judgement.
Since this game is intended to be used as an assessment tool it is only playable once per month on GoDartsPro. Practice hard between the sessions and you will notice good improvement over time.
The game consists of five different parts and will take about one hour to finish.
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Dead Centre (also called Kill Bull)

One of Mikko Laiho’s favourite games to use during the coaching of intermediate to advanced players.
This game is great to use as a part of the end of your daily warming up routine.
Aim for the bull and you need to score at least 25 per every throw or your need to start over again.
Try to reach 300 if you’re an Intermediate Player, 500 for an advanced player and 1000 for an expert player.
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Darts practice in a nutshell…

Timing is everything in darts – also when it comes to practice. An average match lasts approximately 25-35 minutes, and if you transfer that to solo-training that would be somewhere of the region of 20 minutes.

So practise with your times and set it up for 20 mins. After that have a break of 5-10 minutes and you’re good to go again. After two short sessions, you are best to have a proper break, say 30-45 minutes before throwing again. Then you get the rest your body and mainly mind requires.

Try to make your practice so interesting and enjoyable that you can’t wait to get back to the board!

Always try to compete as much as you can, practice only quality and interesting games and never ever forget that after all, it’s up to you!

And as always – enjoy your darts! Otherwise, you won’t improve!

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+100 darts practice games

More than More than 100 proper training games for you to make your darts practice fun, inspiring, interesting and addictive so you don’t even notice that you are improving!

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Go to our Rookie-page to read more about how to get started and check out our Starter Pack–concept.

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Get your Premium Membership to unlock the MICO-factor games now. Our MasterClass is the worlds’ first level-hopping game IRL darts, so that might be an inspiring challenge for you.


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