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The ideal darts practice game

All darts players search for the darts practice routine that will make them improve faster. As a result, spending fewer hours practising but with better results.
But is there really a darts practice game that will make you improve faster?
Let me introduce – “Mikko’s Megatrain”!

“One game to rule them all”

Mikko Laiho (formerly worked with Winmau / Red Dragon Darts and GoDartsPro but tragically passed away during 2019) who invented this game used it frequently during his coaching sessions with intermediate to advanced players. Even for pro players, he told me. For instance, Mikko used this training game to put one of the best routines out there in their hands. But he also used it to test their level of dedication to improve. As a result, it also taught them that getting better in darts needs intense and focused practice. Because this is a tough game to play for most of us.
I see that many players struggle with the game by going through the statistics on GoDartsPro. Playing the game for more than an hour before they throw the last dart in this routine.

“12 weeks program”

Mikko Laiho was also the inventor of the bespoken “12 weeks program” (previously sold at Red Dragon Darts website) and he used this game for many of the buyers of this training program. He proudly talked about the outstanding improvement many of the players showed after only a few weeks after adding this game to their daily training routine.

The game has been on GoDartsPro for over a year but I’ve now restructured it and added some new features to make it useful for more levels of players.

Mikkos Megatrain, darts practice game

Mikko’s Megatrain – Darts Practice Game

The rules for this training routine are simple. Throw three darts at the current target. You need to hit at least two of the target to continue to the next one. As a result, you will improve your grouping ability.
But there’s one exception to the rule.

The Burn Dart rule

If you manage to hit the target with your last dart and then hit the target with the first dart of your next throw you used the burn dart rule and you’re ready for the next target.
But don’t worry, the application will take care of this rule for you.

New layout

The new layout lets you track each dart will give your statistics a new dimension. It is still very straight-forward user interface using big buttons to easily track your game. Since this game will take some time to finish there’s a Pause-function for you to use after 20-40 minutes of intense throwing. After that, you’re good for another intense training session. Remember, it is more effective to play 3 x 30 minutes than throwing for 90 minutes straight!

Beginner Option

The new “beginner” option makes it easier to get started to use this game. How ever, this can still be a tricky game for many players, since the targets are trebles and doubles.
You now need to hit only one of the current target to continue to the next one.

Mikkos Megatrain, darts practice game
The Mikkos Megatrain, darts training game

In-Game Statistics

When you managed to finish the game you will get a screen with all the statistics from the training session.
To the top right on the start screen of the game, you see the red tilted button “Your Stats”.
This will show you your aggregated stats over time. Your best time, which targets you struggle with the most and if you improve your single hits % over time. How ever, even if you aim to hit 2 darts on each target it is also inspiring to see if you’re getting more single hits over time.


This is truly a great game that we recommend you to play on a regular basis.
There are many reasons to practice this game regularly. Above all, it keeps you focused.
It will also surely teach you that getting better in darts demands dedication and hard work.
There are no shortcuts whatsoever. Using the right training games for your level and goals are crucial to make the best use of your practice time.

So what are you waiting for – add the Mikko’s Megatrain to your daily routine now!

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